Appendix 16 Volume Three (b) Other health facility - 1 space per employee plus 1 space per 26m² of gross floor area. 2.2.3 Landscaping. The scheduled site must include a landscape strip of a minimum depth of 1m from any road. The scheduled site must include a landscape strip, a fence or a wall along the length of all boundaries, except a road boundary, to a height of not less than 1.8m and, if landscaping, a landscape strip of a minimum depth of 1.5m. 2.2.4 Outdoor storage. Goods and material stored outside shall not be readily visible from a road or an adjoining site. 2.3 Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Restricted Discretionary Activity for the following: [D] 2.3.1 Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. 2.4 Prohibited Activities The following are Prohibited Activities for which no application can be made: [R, D] 2.4.1 The use, storage or disposal of radioactivity in excess of 100 terabecquerels. Schedule 3 - Richmond View School (Blenheim Elim Church Trust) on land described as Lot 1 DP 5351. Where not otherwise provided for by the rules in Schedule 3 of Appendix 16, the rules of the Urban Residential 2 Zone apply to all activities on the Richmond View School scheduled site. 3.1 Permitted Activities Unless expressly limited elsewhere by a rule in the Marlborough Environment Plan (the Plan), the following activities shall be permitted without resource consent when undertaken by the Blenheim Elim Church Trust, and where they comply with the applicable standards in 3.2: App 16 - 4