Volume Three Appendix 2 Coastal Terrestrial Area 13: Awatere Sub Area Rating Key Values Additional Comments Awatere River High Incised gullies to river mouth Contained by river cliffs. Mouth containing ngaio, mahoe and harakeke forest. Lower part of river important habitat for freshwater fish (bullies, galaxids, eels and torrentfish. Coastal Terrestrial Area 14: Blind Sub Area Rating Key Values Additional Comments Blind (Otuwhero) High The most significant valley floor River Mouth and meandering floodplain-low terrace coastal cliffs sequence occupies the Blind (Otuwhero) River valley, terminating in a small river mouth backswamp- lagoon developed behind and inland of a coastal sand dune-active beach complex. Remnant coastal escarpment forest support nationally threatened species [coastal treebroom]. The lower Blind River and lagoon habitat support banded dotterel, black shag, scaup and other waterfowl. Coastal Terrestrial Area 15: Grassmere There are no specific areas within Coastal Terrestrial Area 15 with Outstanding, High or Very High Coastal Natural Character Values. Coastal Terrestrial Area 16: Campbell Sub Area Rating Key Values Additional Comments Coast west of Very High The coastal cliffs and escarpments Cape Campbell have small low indigenous forest remnants and unusual, highly distinctive herbfields with nationally threatened species. The dunes and coastal flats also contain nationally threatened species. Views from Cape Campbell lighthouse are spectacular, where panoramic vistas of the sweeping curve of Clifford Bay and the southern shores of the North Island are evident. App 2 - 17