Volume Three Appendix 2 13. Pelorus Estuary Abiotic Values - Extensive and uniform intertidal flats at the mouth of the Pelorus River. - Largely intact estuarine hydrological processes. Biotic Values - Biotic patterns and sequences, dynamics and process functioning are largely intact. - Distinctive remnant alluvial communities are largely intact in the estuary and also for the upper hillslopes, although now reduced to scattered treelands, and include fertile podocarp and mixed broadleaved treeland, and semi-deciduous kowhai- ribbonwood-lacebark treelands. - Estuarine and adjoining freshwater wetland communities are extensive, very distinctive, regionally outstanding, and provide important habitats. Experiential - The intertidal river delta, with its network of small waterways and extensive Values saltmarsh beds is extremely memorable. - Despite modifications around parts of its perimeter, this large estuary holds high levels of perceived naturalness. 14. Wairau Lagoons Abiotic Values - The Wairau Lagoons estuary is a distinctive feature of this coastline – a 2,300ha system of interlinked channels, broad shallow lagoons, small islands and expansive intertidal flats, forming a unique and nationally significant coastal lagoon-estuarine system. - The Wairau Lagoons and Bar have been identified as nationally significant intact landforms. - Geopreservation site includes: Wairau boulder barrier; lagoon; and delta. Biotic Values - Extensive glasswort herbfields are a distinctive feature. Other species such as rushes, sedges, estuarine herbs and grasses feature around the fringes. - Nationally significant for wading birds (including migratory species), waterfowl and other wetland birds with almost 90 recorded species – the majority being native and more than a quarter endangered, vulnerable or rare. Experiential - Aesthetically interesting and broadly unmodified landforms of the estuarine Values landscape and boulder bank. - Expansive sea views out to Cloudy Bay, backdropped by the White Bluffs/Te Parinui o Whiti, which are visually impressive. App 2 - 25