Appendix 5 Volume Three No. Water Resource Unit Values Water Quality Classifications 15 Clarence Fish habitat AE, FS, F, A Northern flathead galaxias, dwarf galaxias, koaro and longfin eel habitat. Brown trout/salmon spawning. Bird Habitat Wetland species, black-fronted terns and southern crested grebe. Paradise shelduck moulting site. Braided river birds. Invertebrate Habitat Freshwater mussels. Aquatic Macrophytes Intact indigenous aquatic macrophytes community. Recreation Waterfowl hunting, fishing, canoeing, rafting, jet boating and passive recreation. Public Access Large areas of catchment administered by DOC but subject to lease constraints. Significant Wetlands Lake McRae - nationally important scientific feature. 16 Coastal Wairau Fish Habitat AE, FS Complex Īnanga, common bully, upland bully, longfin eel and shortfin eel habitat. Inanga spawning habitat. Bird Habitat Bittern and waterfowl habitat. Riparian Habitat Urtica linear lia habitat. Significant indigenous wetland ifo vegetation in Rarangi dune system. Recreation Waterfowl hunting, whitebaiting. 17 Doctors Fish Habitat AE, FS Īnanga, common bully, upland bully, longfin eel and shortfin eel habitat. Brown trout habitat. Invertebrate Habitat Kōura and freshwater mussel habitat. 18 East Coast Complex Fish Habitat AE, FS Common Bully and shortfin eel habitat. Bird Habitat Coastal wetlands habitat for New Zealand scaup and marsh crake. Riparian Habitat Willow free coastal wetland communities. Remnant indigenous species along streams. App 5 – 6