Appendix 2 Volume Three Coastal Terrestrial Area 16: Campbell Sub Area Rating Key Values Additional Comments Canterbury Gully Very High Canterbury Gully dunefield contains mouth nationally threatened ecosystem types and plant species. Southern Coast High Modification is limited to light grazing and the occasional track, fence and small building. The coastal scarps and flats have nationally significant ecosystems, including dunes and salt turfs, and good sequences of native coastal vegetation. Several areas are set aside for conservation of natural values. Coastal Terrestrial Area 17: Wharanui Sub Area Rating Key Values Additional Comments Chancet Rocks to High The coastal zone contains localised Light grazing dominates the Waima/ Ure River endemic plants, nationally threatened land use. Mouth plants and naturally rare ecosystems (calcareous bluffs, stacks and screes; dunes, gravel beaches, small wetlands and marine mammal haulouts). There are two NZ fur seal colonies (Chancet Rocks and Needles Point). There is also a ventifact field. The coastline from the Chancet Rocks to the Waima River holds high experiential values. The dramatic coast-sculpted limestone features of Weld Cone, the numerous coastal stacks as well as the wave cut platforms and reefs of Chancet Rock and the Needles are prominent features displaying limited modification, despite the agricultural land use. App 2 - 18