Appendix 5 Volume Three No. Water Resource Unit Values Water Quality Classifications 9 Black Birch Fish Habitat AE, FS, WS Torrentfish, northern flathead galaxias, upland bully redfin bully and longfin eel habitat. Brown trout spawning. Invertebrate Habitat Kōura Habitat. Riparian Habitat Large proportion of riparian vegetation is indigenous. Public Access Access to DOC administered land via stream bed only. Water supply catchment Seddon municipal. 10 Blenheim Springs Fish Habitat AE, FS, A Banded kokopu, giant kokopu, lamprey, common bully, upland bully, longfin eel and shortfin eel habitat. Brown trout habitat. Invertebrate Habitat Kōura and freshwater mussel habitat. Subterranean aquatic macroinvertebrates habitat in spring outlets. Aquatic Macrophytes Largest population of the indigenous Potomogeoton cheeseman nii on the Wairau Plain. Recreation Pollard park, duck feeding, children playing and picnicking. Aesthetic Water clarity. 11 Blind River Fish Habitat AE, FS Banded kokopu, common bully, upland bully, longfin eel and shortfin eel are present. Bird Habitat Coastal lagoon habitat for banded dotterel, black shag. New Zealand scaup and other waterfowl. Invertebrate Habitat Shield shrimp habitat in ephemeral pools. Kōura Habitat. Riparian Habitat Red rock daisy and other threatened species in upper gorges. Recreation Waterfowl hunting. App 5 – 4