Volume Three Appendix 16 1.3 Discretionary Activities Application must be made for a Discretionary Activity for the following: [D] 1.3.1 Any activity provided for as a Permitted Activity that does not meet the applicable standards. Schedule 2 - Wairau Hospital – (Nelson Marlborough District Health Board) on land described as Lot 1 DP 771, Pt Sec 7 SO 2229, Pt Sec 2 of Sec 27 and Lot 1 DP 137. Where not otherwise provided for by, or limited by, the rules in Schedule 2 of Appendix 16, the rules of the Urban Residential 2 Zone apply to all activities on the Wairau Hospital scheduled site. 2.1 Permitted Activities Unless expressly limited elsewhere by a rule in the Marlborough Environment Plan (the Plan), the following activities shall be permitted without resource consent when undertaken by the Nelson District Health Board, and where they comply with the applicable standards in 2.2: [D] 2.1.1 Health services, including a service relating to physical or mental health needs, an ancillary service including a laundry facility, laboratory facility, pharmaceutical supply, counselling or other health support, and buildings associated with the a service. 2.2 Standards that apply to all permitted activities 2.2.1 Construction and siting of a building or structure. Urban Residential 2 Zone Standard must be met relative to the boundaries of the scheduled site. Notwithstanding, the maximum height of a building or structure must not exceed 20m. A building must be set back a minimum of 3m from a road. Notwithstanding, a building must be set back a minimum of 3m from the boundaries of the scheduled site, other than a road boundary. 2.2.2 Transportation. The minimum amount of parking that must be provided on this site is: (a) Hospital - 1 space per 5 beds and 1 space per 2 employees (calculated from employees numbers on the largest shift); App 16 - 3