Appendix 14 Volume Three antennas of similar size provided that there is no overall increase in the overall height of the facility. Chorus New Zealand Limited Chorus New Zealand Limited ID No. Map No. Site Description Legal Description Designation Black Birch Range Land Telecommunications and J1 199 Mobile Station Pt Sec 1 Blk XIX Taylor Radio Communications and Black Birch Observatory Pass SD and Pt Run 16B Ancillary Purposes Site Blenheim Exchange Telecommunications and J2 9, 159 Main Street, Blenheim Sec 2 & 3 SO 6756 Radio Communications and Ancillary Purposes Blenheim Microwave Telecommunications and J3 16, 159 Station Lot 16 DP 305341 Radio Communications and Timandra Place, Blenheim Ancillary Purposes Dashwood Microwave Station Telecommunications and J4 173 North East of SH 1 / Lot 1 DP 10843 Radio Communications and Redwood Pass Road Ancillary Purposes Intersection Havelock Exchange Telecommunications and J5 57, 135 SH 6, Havelock Lot 1 DP 8826 Radio Communications and Ancillary Purposes Jamies Knob Microwave Pt Sec 7 Blk 1 Wakefield Telecommunications and J6 173 Station Downs Registration Radio Communications and Cnr Redwood Pass Road District Ancillary Purposes Lochmara Bay Exchange Telecommunications and J7 126 Lochmara Bay Lot 26 DP 3399 Radio Communications and Ancillary Purposes Picton Exchange Telecommunications and J8 34, 138 Cnrs Dublin, Wellington Sec 2 SO 6764 Radio Communications and and High Streets, Picton Ancillary Purposes Pt Secs 12 and 27 Blk IX Telecommunications and J9 See I1 Rahotia Microwave and Pt Secs 9 and 32 Radio Communications and Map 140 Hitaua Bay Blk XIII Arapawa SD and Ancillary Purposes Pt Hitaua Z2 Blk 62, 121, Rai Valley Exchange Telecommunications and J10 122 SH 6, Rai Valley Sec 2 So 6759 Radio Communications and Ancillary Purposes See I2 Renwick Exchange Telecommunications and J11 Maps 52 High Street, Renwick Sec 2 So 6760 Radio Communications and & 158 Ancillary Purposes Seddon Exchange Telecommunications and J12 58, 186 4 Richmond Street, Secs 1 & 2 SO 6761 Radio Communications and Seddon Ancillary Purposes Spring Creek Exchange Telecommunications and J13 83, 159 Ferry Road, Spring Creek Pt Lot 93 Deeds Plan 12 Radio Communications and Ancillary Purposes Takorika Microwave Lot a DP 7937 and Telecommunications and J14 135 Station Pt Sec 2 of Blk XII Radio Communications and Above Havelock Wakamarina SD Ancillary Purposes J15 See I3 Vernon Telepaging / Land Lot 1 DP 2833 Telecommunications and App 14 – 18