Volume Three Appendix 5 No. Water Resource Unit Values Water Quality Classifications 58 Waima Fish Habitat AE, FS, A Īnanga, black flounder and longfin eel habitat. Bird Habitat Blue Duck habitat. Braided river birds. Coastal lagoon. Recreation Walking access to Sawcut Gorge. Gamebird hunting. Natural Character High. 59 Waitohi Fish Habitat AE, FS, WS Banded kokopu, shortjaw kokopu, bluegill bully, redfin bully and longfin eel habitat. Brown trout habitat. Riparian Habitat Intact indigenous forest in upper catchment. Recreation Walking Natural Character Very high. 60 Wakamarina Fish Habitat AE, FS, CR Īnanga, koaro, shortjaw kokopu, dwarf galaxias, common bully, redfin bully, upland bully, bluegill bully, torrentfish, lamprey, shortfin eel and longfin eel habitat. Brown trout spawning. Riparian Habitat Intact indigenous forest in upper catchment. Recreation Swimming, kayaking, fishing and gold mining. Natural Character Very high (upper catchment). Other Water Values Water Quality Resources Classifications All Coastal Food gathering SG Water Benmorven Water Supply WS Freshwater Individual domestic supplies. Management Unit* Brancott Water Supply WS Freshwater Individual domestic supplies. Management Unit* Omaka Aquifer Water Supply WS Freshwater App 5 – 17