Appendix 14 Volume Three Marlborough District Council Roads: All roads in Marlborough for which the Council has financial responsibility are designated for Roading Purposes. This includes any land: (a) That is a road; or (b) Is laid out by the Council as a road; or (c) Is vested in the Council for the purpose of a road as shown on a deposited survey plan; or (d) Is vested in the Council as a road pursuant to any other legislation; For the avoidance of doubt, the designation includes: (e) Any access way or service lane, or any land laid out or constructed by or vested in the Council as an access way or service lane; or (f) Any square or place within the road reserve intended for the use of the public generally; or (g) Every bridge, culvert, drain, ford, grate, building, or other thing belonging to the Council utilised for roading purposes within the road reserve. This designation does not include State Highway. See the New Zealand Transport Agency designation for further details. Explanation: Description of Roading Purposes: To control, m anage and im prove the roading network including planning, design, research, construction and m aintenance relating to all land within the designation. Such activities m ay involve realigning the road, altering its physical configuration, culverts, bridges and associated protection works. Other designations: ID No. Map No. Site Description Legal Description Designation B1 30, 171 Taylor Pass Road, Lot 2 DP 9569 Bluegums Landfill Blenheim B2 9, 159 Alfred Street, Blenheim Lot 1 DP 413525 Carpark Lot 1 DP 12206, Pt Sec 1244 Town of Picton, Pt Lot 1 Wellington and High DP 1682, Pt Lot 2 DP 1682, B3 34, 138 Streets, Picton Lot 1 DP 1972, Pt Lot 3 Carpark DP 1682, Lots 1, 2 and 3 DP 7913, Pt Sec 1160 Town of Picton B4 134 Deep Creek Cemetery Sec 20 Blk XIV Wakamarina SD Cemetery Wakamarina Road Fairhall Cemetery B5 158 New Renwick Road, Pt Lot 1 DP 4468 Cemetery Fairhall B6 136 Mahikipawa Cemetery Pt Sec 39 Blk IX Linkwater SD Cemetery Queen Charlotte Drive App 14 – 4