Volume Three Appendix 14 Maritime New Zealand ID No. Map No. Site Description Legal Description Designation H1 119 Brothers Island Crown Land Blk XXII Gore Lighthouse & Nature SD Reserve H2 188 Cape Campbell Sec 1 SO 6745 Lighthouse, Landcorp Investment Ltd H3 109 Cape Jackson Sec 1 Blk XX Gore SD Lighthouse H4 97 Channel Point (French Sec 13 SQ 93 Lighthouse & Nature Pass) Reserve H5 97 Middle Bank Reef N/A Lighthouse (French Pass) H6 99 Ninepin Rock Nature Reserve Blk XXVI Lighthouse Gore SD H7 88 Stephens Island Sec 1 SO 15162 Lighthouse and Wildlife Sanctuary Spark New Zealand Trading Limited ID No. Map No. Site Description Legal Description Designation Rahotia Microwave Pt Secs 12 and 27 Blk IX Telecommunications and I1 140 Station and Pt Secs 9 and 32 Radio Communications Hitaua Bay Blk XIII Arapawa SD and and Ancillary Purposes Pt Hitaua Z2 Blk Telecommunications and Radio Communications I2 52, 158 Renwick Exchange Sec 2 SO 6760 and Ancillary Purposes High Street, Renwick (Note: Primary designation to Chorus New Zealand Limited) Vernon Telepaging/Land Telecommunications and I3 172 Mobile Station Lot 1 DP 2833 Radio Communications South West Blenheim / and Ancillary Purposes Wither Hills Conditions: Rahotia Microwave Station Vernon Telepaging/Land Mobile Station Height – Masts and Antennas 1. That the height of any mast and associated antennas (excluding any lightening rod) shall not exceed 25m. 2. Notwithstanding Condition 1, any antennas and associated equipment on the tower at the Weld Cone Microwave/Land Mobile Station site existing on 30 November 2011 that exceeds the height limit for new masts and antennas, may be upgraded, reconfigured or additional antennas installed subject to there being no increase in the overall height of the mast and attached antennas. 3. Antennas mounted on the roof of buildings shall not extend more than 5m above the maximum height of the roof of any existing building. App 14 – 15