Appendix 2 Volume Three Coastal Terrestrial Area 5: Portage Sub Area Rating Key Values Additional Comments Mt. Cawte and Very High Tracts of primary coastal forest (e.g., Areas of residential land Southern Queen and High Kumutoto Bay) found in this area are adjacent to shoreline Charlotte Sound regionally important. Most of the excluded from rating. remainder of the land is clad in regenerating native forests. South-facing biotic communities are generally more intact (greater cover, less vulnerable to past and ongoing disturbance) than north-facing communities. Areas of high experiential values along both Queen Charlotte Sound and Kenepuru Sound. Northern Queen Very High There is good primary forest at the Refer to Coastal Terrestrial Charlotte Sound eastern end of the Coastal Terrestrial Area 8: Stokes for more on and Motuara Area. Remaining areas of coastal northern Queen Charlotte Island forest are well-represented on Sound. headlands in Queen Charlotte Sound. Motuara Island is nationally important as an island refuge for “marooning” nationally threatened species. Primary podocarp-broadleaf forest between Ship Cove and Resolution Bay is distinctive and regionally outstanding, displaying intact natural sequences from ridge top to sea floor. Very high experiential values around Resolution Bay. Coastal Terrestrial Area 6: Nydia Sub Area Rating Key Values Additional Comments Tennyson Inlet Very High Original forests on lower altitude Some modification around and Nydia Bay hillslopes and toeslopes, and coastal Tuna Bay, Penzance Bay area forests are largely intact in Tennyson and North West Bay restricts Inlet, and Nydia Bay to Fairy Bay. those areas to High Natural Small areas of alluvial forests and Character. beach communities are still intact in Tennyson Inlet and Nydia Bay and contribute significantly to the biodiversity of the area. Tennyson Inlet and Nydia Bay supports some of the largest tracts of lowland and coastal forests in Marlborough. These are largely intact altitudinal sequences of primary forest, extending from ridgetops to seafloor and are therefore nationally important. App 2 - 12