Volume Three Appendix 13 MEP NZTR ref (if Address / Location Species Name Common Name Reference applicable) 94 Cnr Battys and Middle Renwick Quercus coccinea Scarlet Oak Roads adjacent to Murphys Creek 95 Cnr Battys and Middle Renwick Roads adjacent to cedar Murphys Creek 96 Cnr Battys and Middle Renwick Cherry Roads adjacent to Prunus sp. Murphys Creek 97A Cnr Battys and Middle Renwick rimu Roads adjacent to Dacrydium cupressinum Murphys Creek 97B Cnr Battys and Middle Renwick rimu Roads adjacent to Dacrydium cupressinum Murphys Creek 98 Cnr Battys and Middle Renwick coastal redwood Roads adjacent to Sequoia sem pervirens Murphys Creek 99 Cnr Battys and Middle Renwick cabbage tree Roads adjacent to Cordyline australis Murphys Creek 100 82A Lakings Rd, kauri Blenheim Agathis australis 101 145 Middle Renwick Road, Blenheim - European lime adjoining 5 Battys Tilia × europaea Rd 102 40 Lakings Rd, Rd Quercus robur English oak reserve, Blenheim 103 431 40 Kingwell Drive, Platanus x hispanica London plane Blenheim 'Acerifolia' 104 432 40 Kingwell Drive, tulip tree Blenheim Liriodendron tulipifera 105 426 80A Nelson St, European lime Blenheim Tilia × europaea 106 933 84 Nelson St, Metasequoia dawn redwood Blenheim glyptostroboides 107 84 Nelson St, kauri Blenheim Agathis australis 108 416 84 Nelson St, ginkgo Blenheim Ginkgo biloba 109 415 84 Nelson St, swamp cypress Blenheim Taxodium distichum App 13 - 17