Section 1: Level of Service • Establish and implement district plans. Reserves Act 1977 The Reserves Act 1977 (and the subsequent amendments) is the main piece of legislation that determines how reserves will be managed in New Zealand. The Act requires that reserves be classified according to their principle or primary purpose and that any reserves acquired through vesting under the Act, have an appropriate management plan. Reserve management plans are a guide to the protection, use and development of reserves. They ensure consistent management through providing management objectives and policies for reserves. This AMP should be compatible with all MDC reserve management plans. Burial and Cremation Act 1964 The purpose of this Act is to ensure that Local Authorities provide, maintain and manage cemeteries for the purpose of interring deceased people that reside in the district. Building Act 2004 The Building Act requires MDC to ensure all of its buildings and facilities are safe and sanitary, and comply with the provisions of the Act, the Building Regulations 2004 and the NZ Building Code with relevant NZ Standards. The Act, regulations and codes provide controls on building material, design, building safety, fire escape and accessibility. All of these are covered in the building compliance schedule and the building warrant of fitness, which is maintained by annual inspections, carried out by qualified independent persons. Health and Safety Employment Act 1992 MDC as the owner and/or administrator of reserves must take all reasonable steps and ensure that users take all reasonable steps, to ensure that people on reserves or in buildings on reserves are not harmed by any hazard that may arise in these areas. Walking Access Act 2008 The purpose of this Act is to provide the New Zealand public with free, certain, enduring, and practical walking access to the outdoors so that the public can enjoy the outdoors. Council has also adopted Tracks and Outdoor Visitor Structures SNZ HB 8630:2004 and SNZ 8603:2005 for Design and Application of Outdoor Recreation Symbols for its track network. Dog Control Act 1996 The purpose of this Act is to ensure that local authorities impose on dog owners in their district the responsibilities and obligations noted in this Act relating to the care and control of dogs. MDC have established policies and bylaws for the care and control of dogs within the district. 1.4 Customer expectations How do our customers regard our reserves? Does Marlborough require more reserves and if so, who needs them most and what services should these reserves provide? Are customers happy with the present service at the present cost, or would they rather pay higher rates for improved services or lower rates for a lower standard of service? Our customers are any person or group who uses, pays for, or relies on the provision of Reserves and Amenities. This may include: • Ratepayers and residents. Page 13