Section 2: Asset Description and paved areas, the most notable memorial is possibly Seymour Square’s War Memorial Clock and Fountain located near Blenheim CBD. MDC maintains 22 memorials; total operating expenditure for 2014/15 was $47,339 with capital works equating $106,000. Table 11 - Memorials Location OPEX ($) CAPEX ($) 14/15 14/15 Blenheim 35,174 50,000 Picton 2,300 20,000 Awatere 1,417 10,000 Havelock/Sounds 4,776 0 Other 3,000 26,000 Renwick 672 0 TOTAL 47,339 106,000 2.7 Outdoor Adventure Category Primary Typical Type of Use/Value Likely Reserves Purpose Characteristics Act 1977 Class Outdoor Recreation Semi-urban setting Managed nature eg; Recreation, Local Adventure activities Large scale Forestry or farm parks purpose requiring a Walking/cycling large scale Multiple range of non-urban activities Picnics environment Nature/environment Camping based recreation Equestrian activities Motor sports Other recreation activities not suited to urban park environment 2.7.1 Description Outdoor Adventure Parks enable visitors to experience a variety of recreation activities in a wide range of open space environments. Outdoor Adventure Parks will generally be large sites, usually located on the outskirts of the urban areas. The character and management of the parks varies widely from exotic forestry, farm parks, native bush, coastal and river areas. The recreation activities include those that require the space and separation from urban locations or require particular natural features. Examples include mountain biking, equestrian, rock climbing, wind-sports, Photo: Wither Hills motorised recreation, camping, walking/tramping, picnicking, hunting, canoeing/kayaking etc. The levels of service for Outdoor Adventure Parks can vary widely depending on the type of park and level of use. Also the level of service may vary from one area of the park to another, eg; entry points may Page 30