Section 5: Financial Summary Section 5: Financial Summary - what it costs and how we will pay for it 5.1 Funding Strategy The funding of Reserves and Amenities is from a number of sources. These sources include development contributions, rates, user charges, grants, sponsorship, concessions and interest on funds held. A large portion of capital funding comes from the Land Subdivision Reserve Fund. The use of this fund is regulated by Councils Development contributions policy under the Local Government Act 2002. However this policy is under review to come in line with the Local Government Amendment Bill requirements which altered the extent of contributions recoverable especially for community facilities. Funding is planned to be spent is outlined in the long-term and annual budgets. The Long Term Council Community Plan budgets project 10 years ahead and are reviewed triennially. All residents contribute to the rating base with some charges directly linked to reserve provision. Community Facilities rank third activity on the amount spent on operating and fifth for Capital Expenditure spend as an overall rating allocation. Operating Expenditure 2014-15 Page 64