Section 2: Asset Description The MDC Water and Sanitary Service Assessment 2005 assessed the provision of public toilets, including a full condition rating of all component assets. An in-house assessment of all public conveniences and services provided has been undertaken and many facilities have been upgraded or replaced. Marlborough District Council owns/leases and maintains a total of 58 public toilets across the district. The location influences the toilet’s design and servicing schedule. Appendix 3: Marlborough Public Convenience Schedule provides a detailed schedule of location and services provided. All Council public toilets are provided free of charge and the majority are open 24/7 some are closed at night for security reason. Figure 1: Types of Public Toilets Converted concrete tank Exeloo Concrete block Part of or building extension, often concrete block or wooden. Norski fibreglass Capital expenditure on new toilets 2014/15 was $110,000 while renewal expenditure equated to $120,000. Total operating expenditure for public toilets in 2014/15 was $475,777. Page 35