Volume One 7. Landscape Mapping makes it clear to resource users where Marlborough’s significant landscapes are located. Additionally, the values that make these landscapes significant are described in Appendix 1. These values should be considered when resource consent applications are made and decided upon including the extent to which they may be affected by a particular use or development. [RPS, R, C, D] Policy 7.1.5 – Refine the boundaries of outstanding natural features and landscapes and landscapes with high amenity value in response to: (a) landscape change over time; or (b) more detailed assessment of landscape values. Although it is intended to identify Marlborough’s outstanding natural features and landscapes and landscapes with high amenity value, landscape is also dynamic and is constantly changing. Change may occur quickly as a result of land use change or a catastrophic event (e.g. earthquake) or slowly as a result of natural processes (e.g. indigenous revegetation). Where landscape change occurs over time or where there is a more detailed assessment of landscape values at a particular site, it may be necessary to refine the boundaries of the identified outstanding natural features and landscapes and landscapes with high amenity value. Any changes to the boundaries of these identified landscapes will have to pass through the First Schedule process of the RMA. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [RPS] 7.M.1 Identifying Marlborough’s outstanding natural features and landscapes and landscapes with high amenity value that are sensitive to change An extensive assessment of Marlborough’s landscapes was undertaken in 2009 by professional landscape consultants. This assessment identified Marlborough’s outstanding natural features and landscapes as well as those landscapes with high amenity value. After consultation with landowners (including site visits where requested by landowners, resource users and the community), those landscapes that meet national and international criteria for significance have been identified in the MEP. Appendix 1 of the MEP also identifies the values (as listed in Policy 7.1.1) that make each landscape significant. [RPS, R, C, D] 7.M.2 Information The Council has made available information on Marlborough’s diverse landscape character and the results of any evaluation of landscape significance (following consultation with relevant landowners). This will be a useful reference document generally, but can also be used by resource consent applicants to assist in any assessment of adverse effects on landscape values. [RPS, R, C, D] Objective 7.2 – Protect outstanding natural features and landscapes from inappropriate subdivision, use and development and maintain and enhance landscapes with high amenity value. Section 6(b) of the RMA requires the Council to protect outstanding natural features and landscapes from inappropriate subdivision, use and development, while Section 7(c) of the RMA requires the Council to have particular regard to the maintenance and enhancement of amenity values. This objective reflects these statutory obligations and recognises the significant contribution of landscape to community wellbeing. Protecting the biophysical, sensory and 7 – 5