13. Use of the Coastal Environment Volume One [C] Policy 13.11.1 – Proposals to reclaim or drain the coastal marine area will require assessment through the resource consent process. Any proposal to reclaim or drain the coastal marine area in terms of Section 12 of the RMA will require assessment through a resource consent application. This is to ensure that regard is had to the values of the coastal environment and the impact on other uses or activities before a decision is made on whether the proposed work is appropriate. [RPS, C] Policy 13.11.2 – Reclamation or drainage in the coastal marine area shall be avoided, unless: (a) the activity to be carried out on the reclamation has to be adjacent to the coastal marine area; and (b) it can be shown there are no alternative land-based sites available (above Mean High Water Springs); or (c) the works are for the operational needs of ports within Port Zones or for the operational needs of marinas within Marina Zones, where they are consistent with other relevant policies of the Marlborough Environment Plan. The matters in this policy give effect to Policy 10(1) of the NZCPS. Given the public nature of the coastal marine area, in any application for resource consent it will be important that the purpose for which the reclamation or drainage is proposed is clearly established. This policy will help to avoid reclamation that would privatise the foreshore and seabed. Port and marina facilities have been identified as regionally significant infrastructure, so (c) has been included in having regard to NZCPS Policy 10(1)(d). [C] Policy 13.11.3 – The need to dispose of dredged or other material should not dictate the need for or size of a reclamation. The need to dispose of dredged or other material will not be sufficient grounds for reclamation. Similarly, the size of any reclamation proposed should be related to the intended activity to be carried out, not as justification for disposing of dredged material or other waste. [C] Policy 13.11.4 – Where an application is made for resource consent to reclaim or drain the coastal marine area, effects (including cumulative effects) on the following matters will be considered: (a) the proposed reason for the reclamation/drainage and the benefits likely to arise from its use; (b) if land-based alternatives are available to the proposed reclamation/drainage, why the coastal marine area location is preferred; (c) the functional need for the activity to be carried out on the reclamation; (d) the effects on: (i) navigation and safety of other users of the area, including whether the area is used for temporary boat anchoring; (ii) cultural values; (iii) the terrestrial environment, including an assessment of any earthworks necessary; (e) whether coastal processes will be adversely affected by the structure; and 13 – 34