10. Heritage Resources and Notable Trees Volume One [D] 10.M.5 Discovery protocol In conjunction with Heritage New Zealand, the New Zealand Archaeological Association and Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi, the Council will develop, maintain and implement a discovery protocol for archaeological sites. This will detail the procedures to be followed if any feature, artefact or human remains are discovered or are suspected to have been discovered. Information will be included within the protocol on the rohe of different iwi to enable people to make contact with the relevant iwi. The protocol will assist in ensuring that the relevant provisions of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 can then be applied. [RPS, C, D] 10.M.6 Information In conjunction with the New Zealand Archaeological Association, the Council will provide information on known archaeological sites in Marlborough. This will assist resource users to determine whether they need to approach Heritage New Zealand for an archaeological authority. Information on property-specific heritage resources will be available to the public through the issue of LIMs. From time to time, use information held on heritage resources to tell Marlborough’s story. [C, D] 10.M.7 Affected party status Heritage New Zealand will be treated as an affected party in respect of any resource consent application involving a heritage resource also recorded in the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero, or any resource consent application within a place of significance to one or more of Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi. Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi will be treated as an affected party in respect of any resource consent application involving a waahi tapu site or area, or any resource consent application within a place of significance to one or more of the iwi. Anticipated environmental results and monitoring effectiveness The following table identifies the anticipated environmental results of the heritage resource and notable tree provisions of the MEP. The anticipated environmental results are ten year targets, unless otherwise specified. For each anticipated environmental result, a series of indicators will be used to monitor the effectiveness of the heritage resource and notable tree provisions. 10 – 10