Volume One 1. Introduction Environmental results anticipated from implementing the policies and methods are identified at the end of each of the values, area and activity based chapters. Volume 2 This volume of the MEP sets out the rules to follow in order to achieve the objectives, policies and methods. The rules are a combination of zone-based and district-wide provisions and in some cases are also subject to overlays. Volume 2 contains both regional and district rules as well as a glossary section that defines the words, terms and phrases used in the MEP. Volume 3 Volume 3 contains the appendices referred to in Volumes 1 and 2. This includes designations, areas of heritage values, landscape and natural character significance values etc. Volume 4 Volume 4 contains the planning maps for Marlborough, an integral part of the MEP in that they establish graphically the areas to which the rules set out in Volume 2 apply. This volume also includes overlay maps to which policy and rules apply. Two other volumes are included for information, but do not form part of the statutory MEP in terms of being subject to First Schedule processes of the RMA. Volume 5 Contains copies of national policy statements, national environmental standards and resource management regulations. Volume 6 Records the statutory acknowledgments for Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi. 1 – 5