Volume One 18. Energy [RPS, D] 18.M.3 Advocacy and information sharing Advocate energy efficiency in the orientation, design and operation of new residential, commercial and industrial buildings and of extensions and alterations to existing buildings to the extent that the Building Act 2002, or its successor, allows. This method can be implemented through sharing information with the community. The following areas will be targeted through this method: • lighting; • cladding materials; • insulation; • heating and ventilation; • passive solar design; • orientation; and • appliances. Encourage building companies to showcase best practice methods in terms of energy efficiency and passive solar design. Encourage industry groups to develop best practice guidance to improve energy use efficiency. [RPS] 18.M.4 Council works and services Lead by example by investigating and where appropriate, adopting energy saving and energy efficient measures in the management of its own buildings, plant, civil infrastructure (water, sewerage, storm water) and general operations. [D] 18.M.5 Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan Consider, in the review of the Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan for Marlborough, provisions to ensure the efficient use of energy in the transport sector. [D] 18.M.6 District rules Apply district rules to ensure that the form and layout of subdivisions and the orientation of residential, commercial or industrial buildings within them enable the use of energy saving measures. Anticipated environmental results and monitoring effectiveness The following table identifies the anticipated environmental results of the energy provisions of the MEP. The anticipated environmental results are ten year targets, unless otherwise specified. For each anticipated environmental result, a series of indicators will used to monitor the effectiveness of the energy provisions. 18 – 7