Volume One 13. Use of the Coastal Environment give the impression that the area is part of the boatshed or jetty and that the area is not available for public use. In some cases however, coastal protection works are sought as a means of protecting land from erosion caused by coastal processes or boat wash. Other structures, such as pipelines, cables, decking around boatsheds, slipways or boat launching ramps are also evident in many locations around the Marlborough Sounds. While there are currently few structures located along the south Marlborough coastline, the following provisions are also relevant to this area of the coastal environment. [RPS, C] Objective 13.10 – Structures in the coastal environment including jetties, boatsheds, decking, slipways, launching ramps, retaining walls, coastal protection structures, pipelines, cables and/or other buildings or structures are appropriately located and within appropriate forms and limits to protect the values of the vo e coastalenirnmnt. In addressing Issue 13F, this objective does not seek to preclude structures in the coastal environment; rather, the objective seeks simply to direct where these structures can be appropriately located, within appropriate forms and limits. This helps to give effect to Objective 6 of the NZCPS. The subsequent policies of this objective and those of Objectives 13.1 and 13.2 help to inform appropriate locations, forms and limits for coastal structures. (Regard to other chapters such as landscape, natural character, public access and indigenous biodiversity will help inform values for the coastal environment. Chapter 4 - Use of Natural and Physical Resources may be relevant in terms of regionally significant infrastructure.) The following policies include guidance for the consideration of all coastal structures and additional policies for jetties, boatsheds, slipways and coastal protection structures. Objective 13.10 and its subsequent policies do not apply to the Port Zone, Port Landing Area Zone, Marina Zone or to moorings. All coastal structures [C] Policy 13.10.1 – Enable structures to be located within the coastal marine area where these are necessary for the purposes of assisting with navigation of ships/vessels or are temporary in nature for scientific monitoring or research purposes. For safety reasons it is important that navigational aids can be strategically located in Marlborough’s coastal marine area. Monitoring equipment for scientific purposes or research is often temporary in nature and does not usually involve significant alteration or occupation of the coastal marine area. An enabling approach to these types of structures is provided for through the rules, subject to standards. [C] Policy 13.10.2 – Other than as provided for in Policy 13.10.1, proposals to locate structures within the coastal marine area will be required to be assessed through the resource consent process. In most cases any structure that occupies the coastal marine area in terms of Section 12 of the RMA will require to be assessed through a discretionary activity resource consent. This is to ensure in deciding whether the proposed structure is appropriate, regard is had to the values of the coastal environment and the impact on other uses or activities. [RPS, C] Policy 13.10.3 – Efficient use of the coastal marine area can be achieved by using the minimum area necessary for structures. Policy 6 of the NZCPS requires the efficient use of occupied space within the coastal marine area and prescribes some circumstances through which this can occur. In addition, the Marine and 13 – 25