13. Use of the Coastal Environment Volume One [C] Objective 13.6 – A range of options is available to accommodate mooring/berthage. It is important that the MEP provides a range of options to accommodate the different needs and demands of a range of boat owners. Not every option will be appropriate in every location within Marlborough’s coastal environment and the following objectives and policies describe the circumstances where each of the options may be considered appropriate. [C] Policy 13.6.1 – Provide for the mooring or berthage of boats by: (a) enabling anchoring of boats; (b) establishing Moorings Management Areas where there is high demand for space in the coastal marine area; (c) ensuring moorings outside of Moorings Management Areas are sited in appropriate locations; and (d) zoning specific areas for activities related to the operation of marinas, ports and port landing areas in Picton, Havelock, Waikawa, Elaine Bay and Oyster Bay. The four options provided for in this policy reflect both historic and recent approaches to mooring or berthage of boats in Marlborough’s coastal environment. Options a) to c) are applicable to the Coastal Marine Zone, while option d) is specific to Port, Port Landing Area and Marina Zones. (The remaining policies under Issue 13E are therefore not relevant considerations in the Port, Port Landing Area and Marina Zones.) Boat anchorages [C] Objective 13.7 – The coastal marine area is able to be used for anchoring boats. Boat anchoring has long been considered an appropriate use within the coastal marine area, particularly for recreational use but also for commercial boats. The objective seeks to enable use of the coastal marine area for this purpose. [C] Policy 13.7.1 – Enable use of the coastal marine area for temporary anchoring by boats. Boats of all sizes are reliant on being able to anchor for recreational purposes, during storms or in the event of damage or gear failure. An enabling approach to providing for this on a temporary basis has been provided, subject to meeting standards. [C] Policy 13.7.2 – Restrict the long-term or permanent anchorage of boats. The long-term or permanent anchorage of boats in one location can potentially give rise to adverse effects on the surrounding environment and other users of the coastal environment. These effects could include reduction in water quality, amenity values, public access, recreational opportunities or potential benthic habitat destruction. Therefore, it is appropriate that controls are imposed upon the ability of boats to anchor for long periods of time. This will help to achieve the policies of the NZCPS, especially Policy 6(2)(c), as well as a range of other policies in both the NZCPS and MEP relating to natural character, water quality, public open space and indigenous biodiversity. 13 – 18