12. Urban Environments Volume One (b) subdivision yield should aim for between 10 and 12 dwellings per hectare. A greater yield will be encouraged where it is shown that this will result in quality urban design outcomes; (c) allotment sizes greater than 800m are discouraged, other than at the boundary 2 of the Urban Residential 2 Greenfields Zone and any non-residential zone, and then only for the purposes of managing reverse sensitivity effects from activities in adjoining zones; (d) subdivision design shall have regard to reverse sensitivity effects in respect of existing, lawfully-established rural and non-residential activities; (e) where indicative roading layouts are shown on the Marlborough Environment Plan maps for the Zone, the roading network proposed at the time of subdivision and development must be in general accordance with the indicative layout; (f) contaminated sites must be identified and contamination mitigated or remediated so that land is suitable for residential development; Specific Matter Applicable to Area 2: (g) activities within Area 2 in proximity to the National Grid Blenheim Substation must not compromise the operation and function of the substation; Specific Matter Applicable to Area 3: (h) the indicative roading layout in Area 3 will be dependent upon and enhanced by connections to existing public or private roads over land outside Area 3; Specific Matter Applicable to Areas 3 and 5: (i) subdivision design within Areas 3 and 5 must have particular regard to activities within the adjoining Business 2 and 3 Zones and Industrial 1 Zone at Westwood to mitigate reverse sensitivity effects from noise, truck movements and light spill; and Specific Matter Applicable to Areas 1, 2, 4 and 5: (j) subdivision design in Areas 1, 2, 4 and 5 must have particular regard to farming activities on the northern boundary of the areas and on the western boundary of Areas 4 and 5 in terms of the potential for spray drift, noise and traffic movements. Following extensive growth strategy investigations, the Council identified five growth areas to the north and west of Blenheim in an Urban Residential 2 Greenfield Zone suitable for providing sufficient housing for approximately the next 20 years. These growth areas are numbered 1 to 5 in the Greenfield Zone. A number of general matters apply to all of the areas within the Zone while some are specific to different areas; for example, the Blenheim Substation in Area 2 is specifically identified to give effect to the National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission. In general, existing farming activities are able to continue in the Zone until the area is developed for residential use. An efficient pattern of subdivision for medium density housing is encouraged, although in order to mitigate the effects of reverse sensitivity at the rural/urban interface allowance is made in some circumstances for larger lots of 4,000m. 2 Subdivision for residential purposes should have regard to such matters as reverse sensitivity, subsoil conditions, efficient roading layout (which is indicatively shown in Areas 1-5 on the planning maps) and the location and provision of open space and other community facilities. Rezoning does not imply the presence of Council infrastructure. Preference will be given to an orderly and sequential provision of services so that Council spending can be undertaken in a prudent manner. 12 – 8