5. Allocation of Public Resources Volume One reflection of the health of the tangata whenua. Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi wish to avoid making any waterbody waimate (where water flow/level becomes so degraded that it loses its mauri). Regard was had to protecting the mauri of freshwater and freshwater bodies when establishing the allocation frameworks and permitted activity rules contained in the provisions of this chapter. [R] Policy 5.2.3 – Protect the significant values of specifically identified freshwater bodies by classifying the taking, damming or diversion of water in these waterbodies as a prohibited activity. There are freshwater bodies in Marlborough that are in an unmodified state or a state close to unmodified. These water bodies retain high or very high natural character. In these circumstances, it is considered appropriate to preserve the natural character by preventing the taking, damming or diversion of water. This is reflected in regional rules that prohibit specific activities in these waterbodies that have significant values. Setting of environmental limits [R] Policy 5.2.4 – Set specific environmental flows and/or levels for Freshwater Management Units dominated by rivers, lakes and wetlands to: (a) protect the mauri of the waterbody; (b) protect instream habitat and ecology; (c) maintain fish passage and fish spawning grounds; (d) preserve the natural character of the river; (e) maintain water quality; (f) provide for adequate groundwater recharge where the river is physically connected to an aquifer or groundwater; and (g) maintain amenity values. Policy B1 of the NPSFM requires the Council to set environmental flows and/or levels for all FMUs. An environmental flow or level includes an allocation limit and a minimum flow or level. This is a complex task given the diversity in the natural and human use values supported by rivers, lakes and wetlands and the variation in the flow/level required to maintain those values. This policy sets out the matters that have been considered in the process of setting the environmental flows/levels established in the MEP. The environmental flows/levels are intended to provide sufficient water to sustain the matters identified in (a) to (g). [R] Policy 5.2.5 – With the exception of water taken for domestic needs or animal drinking water, prevent the taking of water authorised by resource consent when flows and/or levels in a Freshwater Management Unit are at or below a management flow and/or level set as part of an environmental flow and/or level set in accordance with Policy 5.2.4. Water users will not be able to continue taking water once in a Freshwater Management Unit flows and/or levels reach the management flows/levels established in the MEP. Any such abstraction would result in an adverse effect on the life-supporting capacity of the waterbody. The policy will be implemented by way of a condition(s) of resource consent. Water taken for domestic needs or animal drinking water is exempt from the policy given the contribution they make to sustaining the community. 5 – 4