Volume One 15. Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil) [D] 15.M.16 District rules Use permitted activity rules to enable the planting of appropriate riparian vegetation on land adjoining rivers, lakes, significant wetlands and coastal waters. Apply permitted activity standards to require rural land uses with the potential to adversely affect water quality through non-point source discharges to be setback from rivers, lakes, significant wetlands and coastal waters. Apply district rules within Groundwater Protection Areas to ensure that land uses with the potential to result in leachate discharges require resource consent. This will ensure that the potential adverse effects of the proposed activity on groundwater quality for the community water supply are appropriately assessed. [R, C]] 15.M.17 Regional rules Apply regional rules to discharges to land and excavation activity within Groundwater Protection Areas. In most cases, resource consent will be required to discharge or excavate, in order to ensure that the potential adverse effects of the proposed activity on groundwater quality for the community water supply are appropriately assessed. Apply regional rules to land disturbance activities for water quality outcomes. Standards will define the reasonable limits to avoid adverse effects on water quality, including the nature and scale of land disturbance activities and their proximity to waterbodies. Apply regional rules to control disturbance to the seabed, river and lake beds. [R, C] 15.M.18 Liaison Work with established rural industry groups to develop and implement sustainable land management programmes. The initial focus will be on viticulture, pastoral farming (especially dairy and intensive beef farming), arable farming and forestry, but may be expanded to other rural activities if the need arises. Rural land uses upstream of or adjacent to rivers that have degraded water quality and rural land uses in groundwater protection areas are a priority for sustainable land management programmes. Work with landowners and community groups to establish and enhance riparian margins and improve water quality. [R] 15.M.19 Incentives Consider the use of incentives, such as rates relief and the provision of plant material and fencing at low cost to landowners for riparian management purposes. [R] 15.M.20 Monitoring Monitor groundwater within groundwater protection areas to establish the effect of existing land use activities on groundwater quality. 15 – 27