Volume One 7. Landscape Anticipated environmental result Monitoring effectiveness 7.AER.1 Marlborough’s outstanding natural Outstanding natural features and landscapes and features and landscapes and landscapes landscapes with high amenity value are included within with visual amenity value are protected the MEP. This will include the identification of values from degradation. that make each landscape significant and mapping of the extent of the significant landscapes. The awareness of Marlborough’s outstanding natural features and landscapes and landscapes with high amenity value increases, as measured by public perception survey. The biophysical, sensory and associative values that contribute to the significance of particular landscapes are maintained (or enhanced), as measured by reassessment of Marlborough’s landscape. Only appropriate development is allowed to occur in outstanding natural features and landscapes, as measured by reassessment of Marlborough’s landscape. The area of land vegetated by wilding pines in the Marlborough Sounds decreases. 7 – 13