15. Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil) Volume One Anticipated environmental result Monitoring effectiveness 15.AER.2 Water quality in Marlborough’s coastal All coastal water bathing sites are graded either good waters is suitable to support and sustain or very good, in accordance with the Ministry for the swimming, food gathering and marine Environment’s Microbiological Water Quality ecosystems. Guidelines for Marine and Freshwater Recreational Areas. With the exception of regionally significant infrastructure, there are no discharges of human sewage into the coastal waters of the Marlborough Sounds. The number of point source discharges directly to coastal water, other than stormwater discharges, do not increase. No discharges into water that breach water quality standards set in the MEP. 15.AER.3 Water quality in Marlborough’s aquifers is The annual median values for the following parameters suitable for drinking. comply with the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards 2005 (Revised 2008) for each aquifer routinely monitored: • nitrate • E. coli No discharges into groundwater that breach water quality standards set in the MEP. 15.AER.4 The quality of air is safe to breath. Compliance with the ambient air quality standards of the NES. 15.AER.5 Measured downward trends in the winter The average winter concentration of PM at 10 concentration of PM in Blenheim. Redwoodtown is 37 mg/m or less. 3 10 The average winter concentration of PM at Middle 10 Renwick Road is 27 mg/m or less. 3 Numbers of open fires and wood burning appliances being replaced with cleaner heating methods. The number of illegal fires. 15 – 48