13. Use of the Coastal Environment Volume One Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 sets out rights for use of the common marine and coastal area. In having regard to these rights, the Council considers efficient use of the coastal marine area should be in part predicated on also using the least amount of space necessary for structures. [C] Policy 13.10.4 – The erection and use of decking structures: (a) by themselves or in conjunction with jetties are regarded as inappropriate and shall be avoided; and (b) where proposed in association with a boatshed, shall only be for access between the foreshore and the boatshed. Decking will be limited to two metres wide along only one side of the boatshed and up to two metres wide across the front of the boatshed. Any other decking will be regarded as inappropriate. Policy 13.10.4 is specific to the placement of decking structures, which are often constructed as part of boatsheds and jetties to provide enhanced facilities for landowners. Extensive areas of decking around, or in conjunction with jetties and boatsheds, creates a significant privatisation of the coastal marine area. This is inappropriate, given the direction in the NZCPS that the coastal marine area is public space for community use and enjoyment (Objective 4). Some decking may be regarded as appropriate in association with a boatshed where it provides access across the front and down only one side of the structure. [C] Policy 13.10.5 – When assessing applications to locate structures within and immediately adjacent to the coastal marine area, the following matters will be considered in determining whether the structure is appropriate: (a) the proposed reason for the structure and the benefits likely to arise from its use; (b) whether the structure would be the first located in the stretch of coastline either side of the proposed site; (c) whether the structure is to be sited in a prominent or conspicuous location; (d) where land-based alternatives to the proposed structure are available, why the coastal marine area location is preferred; (e) whether the structure is for public, multiple or individual use; (f) the functional need requiring the structure to be located within the coastal marine area; (g) what effects the structure will have on: (i) navigation and safety of other users of the area, including whether the area is used for temporary boat anchoring; (ii) customary access; and (iii) the terrestrial environment; (h) whether coastal processes will be adversely affected by the structure; and (i) the operation of any existing activity or any activity that has been granted resource consent. This policy applies to any resource consent application for coastal structures in the coastal environment. It gives effect to a number of policies within the NZCPS and matters of national importance in Section 6 of the RMA. In determining whether or not a structure is appropriate at any particular location, consideration must be had to policy elsewhere in this and other chapters of the MEP. Not all of the matters listed will be relevant in every case. 13 – 26