Volume One 13. Use of the Coastal Environment The quality and characteristics of the environment within which people live, work and play is a fundamental part of our quality of life. In this context, the amenity of the coastal environment contributes to how people and communities provide for their social, economic and cultural wellbeing. In order for community wellbeing to be sustained, it is important to maintain the attributes that contribute to amenity values in any particular area. Policy 13.2.5 will help to protect people and communities’ sense of place, appreciation and enjoyment of the coastal environment. Consideration of these values will be important in assessments of resource consents, as well as in the establishment of permitted activity rules and standards. [RPS, R, C, D] Policy 13.2.6 – In determining the extent to which coastal amenity values will be affected by any particular subdivision, use and/or development, the following shall be considered: (a) individual and communities values about the area subject to application; (b) the amenity related attributes of the area; and (c) in regard to the changing nature of the coastal environment, the extent to which amenity values would be so affected by the proposed subdivision, use or development that those values could no longer be maintained or enhanced. To determine whether coastal amenity values will be adversely affected by any proposed subdivision, use or development, it is important that regard is had to the views of individuals and communities about the area concerned. These can then be considered alongside an evaluation of the amenity related attributes of the area. An assessment then needs to be made about the extent to which those values and attributes will be affected by the proposed subdivision, use or development. In this assessment it is important that the dynamic nature of the coastal environment is considered, as community views change over time. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [C, D] 13.M.1 Zoning The use of specific coastal based zones to provide a management framework for Marlborough’s coastal environment include a Coastal Living Zone, Coastal Marine Zone (coastal marine area), Port Zone, Port Landing Area Zone, Marina Zone, Lake Grassmere Zone and a Coastal Environment Zone (rural land areas). Additionally, there will be Open Space zones for recreational and conservation areas and a Floodway Zone alongside rivers in some locations. For land not otherwise zoned as Coastal Living within the coastal environment of the south Marlborough coast, a Rural Environment Zone will apply. [RPS, R, C, D] 13.M.2 Mapping of significant values A range of values have been mapped in the MEP to assist in identifying areas with significance for landscape, natural character, marine biodiversity value (including coastal wetlands) and historic heritage within Marlborough’s coastal environment. Policies provide management direction on how effects on the mapped values are to be assessed. [RPS, R, C, D] 13.M.3 Information Appendix 2 describes the values of areas that have been mapped with high, very high or outstanding natural character. Appendix 1 describes the values of areas that have been mapped with landscape significance. Identifying the values that make the mapped areas significant will 13 – 7