18. Energy Volume One (d) where the adverse effects are significant, alternatives to the development in terms of either means, location or scale; and (e) the environmental values affected or enhanced and whether these are of local, regional or national significance. When considering an application for resource consent(s) or notice of requirement for the use and development of renewable energy resources, the Council will have regard to the positive and adverse effects on the environment from developing renewable energy resources. An overall assessment of the costs and benefits will be required and this policy provides guidance on the matters that are relevant to this consideration. The costs can include opportunity costs associated with the loss in ability to use the same resource for different purposes. The adverse effects described in the policy are not unique to the energy sector and have been addressed in other chapters of the MEP. The use of renewable energy resources should not compromise the achievement of other objectives or policies of this MEP. This may require on-site and/or off-site remediation or mitigation to occur, or avoidance altogether in a particular location. It is acknowledged that regard must to be had to the objective and policies of the NPSREG. Consideration can also be given to matters (a) to (e) when determining the status of activities involved in developing and operating renewable energy projects. For example, where domestic or small scale developments such as micro wind and hydro have minimal adverse effects on the environment, they can be enabled through permitted activity rules. [R, C, D] Policy 18.1.4 – When considering resource consent applications and plan changes, the extent to which any likely increase in energy consumption will be reduced through the use of local sources of renewable energy can be taken into account. This policy can be applied where an activity requiring resource consent will result in an increased consumption of energy if the application is granted. The policy can also apply to any Council initiated or privately initiated plan change that would result in the same outcome. In these circumstances, the Council can take into account the extent to which the energy consumption will be reduced through the use of local sources of renewable energy. It is acknowledged that this policy will not apply to any permitted activities. Where permitted activity rules apply, the Council will utilise other methods to encourage the uptake of renewable energy. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [RPS, R, C, D] 18.M.1 Investigation Consider undertaking a detailed and location specific stocktake of renewable energy resources in Marlborough. This would build on the assessment undertaken by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) in 2006. The investigation could extend to an assessment of the physical, technological and regulatory barriers to realising the potential renewable energy resources identified and how these barriers might be overcome. [RPS, D] 18.M.2 Incentives Provide incentives for the preferential uptake of renewable solar thermal technologies, including a payback scheme for the installation of solar water heating through a targeted property rate. 18 – 4