13. Use of the Coastal Environment Volume One Disposal and deposition [RPS, C] Objective 13.12a – Minimise the disposal or deposition of organic or inorganic material into the coastal marine area. It is preferable that disposal or deposition of organic or inorganic material is minimised. This will help to avoid adverse effects on a range of values within the coastal marine area, including ecology, natural character, iwi, navigation and amenity values. [RPS, C] Objective 13.12b – Material dredged from the coastal marine area is appropriately disposed of. Where dredged material is to be disposed of in the coastal marine area, it is important that the location and circumstances in which the deposition is to occur are appropriate. The MEP does not identify specific dumping sites for dredged material and therefore any proposals for disposal need to be considered through the resource consent process to determine whether the activity is appropriate. [C] Policy 13.12.1 – Proposals to dispose of dredged or other material in the coastal marine area must demonstrate that: (a) no reasonable and practicable alternatives are available on land; (b) the disposal will be undertaken in a location and at times of the day or year that will avoid (in the first instance), then remedy or mitigate adverse effects on: (i) the growth and reproduction of marine and coastal vegetation and the feeding, spawning and migratory patterns of marine and coastal fauna; (ii) navigational safety; (iii) other established activities located in the coastal marine area that are likely to be affected by the disposal; (iv) water quality, including an increase in water turbidity or elevated levels of contaminants; (v) shoreline instability or coastal erosion on adjacent coastal land; and (c) in the case of dredged material, the site is located so as to avoid, as far as practicable, the spread or loss of sediment and other contaminants to the surrounding seabed and coastal waters through the action of coastal processes such as waves, tides and other currents. Given that significant effects can arise through disposal of material within the coastal marine area, it is appropriate to consider why the alternative of land disposal is not reasonable or practicable. The policy also identifies particular values to be protected, environmental effects to be addressed and characteristics of the disposal site to be considered when assessing resource consent applications. [C] Policy 13.12.2 – The disposal of contaminants or material containing contaminants should be avoided. Potentially adverse effects may arise from the marine disposal of contaminants or material containing contaminants. These effects may be significant, depending on the material being disposed of, the level of contamination and the location and method of disposal. The policy therefore directs that disposal of contaminants or material containing contaminants is to be avoided. 13 – 36