Volume One 12. Urban Environments [D] Objective 12.7 – Reverse sensitivity effects on adjoining residential zones from activities within business and industrial zones are avoided. In addition to basic environmental quality within zones, the Council is concerned with the protection of amenity along the interface of business and industrial areas with adjoining residential areas. The objective seeks to establish a variety of business and industrial activities in their respective zones without detracting from an acceptable standard of amenity values for adjoining zones. [D] Policy 12.7.1 – Business and industrial activities are appropriately separated from the boundary of adjoining residential zones so that any adverse effects on residential activities are avoided, remedied or mitigated through: (a) establishing setbacks for industrial activities from a residential boundary; (b) screening of business or industrial outdoor storage areas from a residential boundary; (c) restrictions on light spill; (d) setting more sensitive noise limits at the boundaries between the Industrial 1 Zone and the Urban Residential 1 Zone; and (e) standards for dust and odour. This policy recognises that some activities may result in reverse sensitivity conflicts at the boundary of some zones. The inherent nature of industrial activities means that, for example, higher noise levels will be produced intermittently through the use of machinery related to light manufacturing and production, or that there may be increases in traffic generation. This policy describes a range of matters for which standards will be applied to business or industrial activities located immediately adjacent to another zones, such as Open Space Zones or Urban Residential Zones. These standards will be more stringent to ensure that reverse sensitivity effects do not occur and that the quality of residential environments is not lowered. [D] Objective 12.8: A range of appropriate non-business or non-industrial activities are able to be undertaken. There is a limit to the availability of land zoned for business and industrial activities. It is therefore important that any activities not specifically related to the business and industrial zones and which can be provided for elsewhere are restricted within business and industrial zones. Existing business and industrial areas represent community investment in terms of infrastructure, such as road networks and provision of services and it is in the interest of sustainability of these resources that any non-business or industrial activity is appropriate to be located there. [D] Policy 12.8.1 – Enable non-business activities in the business areas where the adverse effects on the environment do not detract from the character or quality of the business environment. This policy aims to enable the establishment of non-business related activities that have the same or similar/compatible effects as business activities and therefore do not detract from the existing character of the business environment within which they are to be located. While these activities are non-business in nature, they are nonetheless closely linked with the business environment. This policy provides a flexible approach to enable a range of activities that may be appropriate within business zones. 12 – 21