15. Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil) Volume One [R] 15.M.48 Investigations The Council will screen sites on the Listed Land Use Register (the Register) to determine the risk to community health and the surrounding environment. High risk sites will then be investigated further. Given the number of sites on the Register, this assessment work will occur progressively over time. Any detailed investigations for contaminated land must be undertaken by a qualified and experienced practitioner, in accordance with Contaminated Land Management Guidelines No. 5 published by the Ministry for the Environment. [RPS, R] 15.M.49 Management plans The Council will take the lead role in co-ordinating the management of high risk contaminated sites, including any remediation efforts. This may involve further site investigation to establish the nature and extent of contamination, identifying and applying for central government funding sources for remediation, management of remediation efforts and monitoring of relevant environmental parameters. The nature of the management of any high risk contaminated site will be documented in a management plan. [R] 15.M.50 Spill Response Contingency Plan A Spill Response Contingency Plan will be developed collaboratively by the Council, Fire Service, Police and Marlborough Roads. The Plan will identify the methods to be used to contain and clean up any spill of hazardous substances, the role of each agency in implementing these methods and communication between the agencies. In this way, the Plan will ensure that response actions are effective and the potential for soil contamination caused by spills is minimised. Anticipated environmental results and monitoring effectiveness The following table identifies the anticipated environmental results of the water, air and soil quality provisions of the MEP. Unless otherwise specified, the anticipated environmental results are ten year targets. A series of indicators that will used to monitor the effectiveness of the water quality provisions for each anticipated environmental result. 15 – 46