Volume One 5. Allocation of Public Resources [R] Policy 5.7.5 – Separate measurement will be required to record different categories of water use, but not for different uses within each category. Categories include municipal, irrigation, industrial, residential, commercial and frost fighting. Reflecting Policy 5.7.1, each different category of water use authorised by water permit must be measured. This policy helps to give effect to Policy CC1 of the NPSFM, which requires the Council to account for the proportion of water taken for each major category of use. Water use information is requested by Central Government on an annual basis for the purposes of national reporting. The categories in the policy reflect the nature of those requests. [R] Policy 5.7.6 – Have regard to the efficiency of the proposed method of distribution and/or irrigation in determining resource consent applications to use water for irrigation purposes. The way in which water is distributed and/or applied to the crop can influence the technical efficiency of water use. Methods or practices of distribution and/or application that are wasteful (relative to crop demand) are inappropriate within a limit-based water management system. When considering a water permit application to use water, it is appropriate that the Council has regard to the nature of the irrigation system to ensure that wasteful water use is avoided. The use of technology and best irrigation practice will be important factors for resource consent applicants to address in their applications. Industry groups may produce guidance material that assists with this task. [R] Policy 5.7.7 – Allocate water for domestic needs on the basis of five cubic metres per household per day. Rules specify that a reasonable abstraction for an individual’s domestic needs is five cubic metres per household per day. However, there are water permits authorising the supply to more than one household that enable the taking of water at higher rates. The exercise of these water permits effectively represents an inefficient use of water. When applications to continue taking domestic water are processed in these circumstances, the allocation provided will be reduced from the previously authorised level to the equivalent of five cubic metres per household per day. This reduction in allocation will help the Council to address over-allocation in accordance with Policy B6 of the NPSFM while still providing sufficient water to the consent holder for domestic needs. This outcome will ensure that the over-allocation of the water resource is addressed equitably across all water users. This policy assists to give effect to Policy B4 of the NPSFM. Frost fighting [R] Policy 5.7.8 – Approve applications to take and use water for frost fighting purposes only where there are no effective alternative methods for frost control on the property. Although the use of water for frost fighting may be efficient for protecting crops, it involves significant volumes of water at very high rates of use (compared to irrigation). For this reason, the use of water for frost fighting is not considered efficient, especially in circumstances where water resources are fully allocated or are approaching full allocation. There are alternatives methods of frost fighting that do not involve the use of water (e.g. wind machines) and the policy identifies that these methods should generally be used in preference. However, the policy also recognises that there are circumstances where alternative methods of frost protection are not effective and in these cases the use of water can be considered. This policy assists to give effect to Policy B4 of the NPSFM. 5 – 25