Volume One 7. Landscape Department on an ongoing basis to discuss landscape issues as they arise and to develop and implement appropriate management responses. [R, C, D] Policy 7.2.12 – Encourage landowners and resource users to consider landscape qualities in the use or development of natural and physical resources in landscapes with high amenity value. The primary means of maintaining and enhancing landscapes with high amenity value is through non-regulatory methods, except in the Wairau Dry Hills and Marlborough Sounds Coastal Landscapes where a management framework for a range of activities is set out in Policies 7.2.2, 7.2.3 and 7.2.7. Other landscapes with high amenity values have not been identified in the MEP, as these landscapes are usually located in remote areas or areas where sensory values are not under any critical threat. Nonetheless, it may appropriate to consider landscape qualities in these areas as part of a resource consent application. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [R, C, D] 7.M.3 District and regional rules As necessary, apply district or regional rules to activities that have the potential to threaten identified values that contribute to the landscape character of outstanding natural features and landscapes. Rules may also be required to maintain and enhance the Wairau Dry Hills Landscape and the Marlborough Sounds Coastal Landscape. The status of activities will depend on the severity of the threat and range from permitted activity standards through to prohibited activities. Activities to be regulated include: • subdivision; • erection and placement of structures, especially location, scale, density and appearance; • land disturbance; • indigenous vegetation removal; • commercial forestry; and • the planting of certain species of exotic tree. [R, C, D] 7.M.4 Guidelines The Council will provide guidelines to help landowners and resource users to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse visual effects of development on landscape values. Guidelines for forest harvest activities and new structures will be priorities for development. These guidelines are intended to encourage landowners and resource users to consider landscape qualities when using or developing natural and physical resources. This may result in improved recognition of the landscape within which the resource use or development is proposed to occur and therefore improved (harvest or structure) design from a landscape perspective. In this way, the guidelines will assist with the implementation of the regulatory methods and are complimentary to these methods. [D] 7.M.5 Colour palette A colour palette had been developed to help protect, maintain and enhance landscapes in the Marlborough Sounds and south Marlborough. By contrasting and detracting from the colours 7 – 11