19. Climate Change Volume One maximised. The matters specified in (a) and (b) target efficient allocation and use of freshwater. The intent is to ensure that freshwater is not unnecessarily “locked up” in paper allocation when it could benefit existing or potential users. If water availability declines over time due to reduced river flows or aquifer levels brought about by decreased rainfall, then storing freshwater would be an effective means of retaining reliability of supply. As set out in (c), this policy enables the taking of freshwater during periods of higher river flow. Stored water can then be used during periods of low river flow when access might otherwise be restricted. The matters set out in (b) and (c) will result in more resilient communities as they reduce the vulnerability of resource users to decreased freshwater availability brought about by climate change. More details on the policy responses set out in (a) to (c) are contained in Chapter 5 - Allocation of Public Resources. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [RPS] 19.M.1 Council carbon footprint Investigate Council operations to establish their carbon footprint; set goals for reducing carbon emissions and develop an action plan to reach those goals. [D] 19.M.2 Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan Consider, in the review of the Marlborough Regional Land Transport Plan, provisions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. [D] 19.M.3 Marlborough Walking and Cycling Strategy Maintain, implement and review the Marlborough Walking and Cycling Strategy to promote modes of transport that do not rely upon fossil fuels. [R, C, D] 19.M.4 Research Apply the findings of international and national climate change research to Marlborough’s environment to the extent that is possible. The findings can then be applied to determine and better understand the implications of climate change. [R, C, D] 19.M.5 Information Share the findings of research on climate change in Marlborough and the implications of these predictions with the community. This will help to allow people to take action to prepare for those implications and therefore reduce the adverse effects of climate change. [R] 19.M.6 Regional rules Rules will establish sustainable levels of freshwater allocation that take into account the effects of climate change on river flows, aquifer levels and the resulting sustainable yield from those freshwater resources. 19 – 4