Volume One 17. Transportation Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [D] 17.M.1 Zoning Blenheim Airport, Picton Airport and Omaka Airfield will be zoned as Airport Zones. For Blenheim Airport, the extent of the zone reflects the existing and possible future extension of main runway to the west. [D] 17.M.2 District rules Airport Zone rules will see priority given to airport related activities, though in order to reflect differences in scale, type and frequency of activity, some rules will be specific to a certain airport. District rules in zones adjoining the airports will effectively provide for the continued development, improvement and operation of the airports subject to measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects, including from noise. Rules will define the extent of airport protection corridors through height controls and restrictions on land use activities surrounding the airports. An assessment of noise from Blenheim Airport and Picton Airport has been undertaken in accordance with NZS 6805:1992 ‘Airport Noise Management and Land Use Planning’. Noise control boundaries (noise contours that describe aircraft movements) are prescribed on the MEP overlay maps in Volume 4 of the MEP. Within these boundaries, district rules will require resource consent for land use activities to enable the effects of noise on those activities to be assessed, or for permitted activities will require additional noise insulation in new residential units and extensions to existing dwellings. For Omaka Airfield an assessment of where the inner and outer noise control boundaries should be located was incomplete at the time of notification of the MEP. Further monitoring of existing aircraft movements along with an assessment of future aircraft movements will be undertaken. Once this has been completed rules for Omaka Airfield will be included within the MEP by way of variation or plan change through the First Schedule process of the RMA. [R] 17.M.3 Regional rules Regional rules will set standards for the management of discharges to air or land within each of the Airport Zones. [D] 17.M.4 Designation Activities of the RNZAF Base Woodbourne are enabled by designation, as described in a schedule in Appendix 14 of Volume 3 of the MEP and as shown on the planning maps in Volume 4. The operational area of the RNZAF Base Woodbourne is covered by a designation, which coincides with the Airport Zone. This designation is for defence purposes in terms of Section 5 of the Defence Act 1990 and includes storage facilities for explosives. A second designation provides for the protection of the airspace above Base Woodbourne and the surrounding area. The activities of the civilian airport are not provided for within the designation purpose. [D] 17.M.5 Noise Management Plan Work with the Marlborough Aero Club to develop a noise management plan to address noise generated as a result of aviation activities at Omaka Airfield. The implementation of the plan will assist in managing the actual and potential adverse effects on surrounding residential properties 17 – 5