Volume One 15. Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil) limits reflect the management purposes established by Policy 15.1.1, otherwise Objectives 15.1a to 15.1e will not be achieved. The cumulative limits will be added to the MEP by plan change or upon review. This policy assists to give effect to Policy A1 of the NPSFM and the Council's Programme of Staged Implementation adopted under the NPSFM. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [RPS, R, C] 15.M.1 Identification of uses and values supported by freshwater, groundwater or coastal water resources To identify, on an ongoing basis, the uses and values supported by specific rivers, lakes, wetlands, aquifers and coastal waters. These values, including the spiritual and cultural values of Marlborough’s tangata whenua iwi, will be identified in the MEP. [R, C] 15.M.2 Water quality classifications To establish water quality classifications for all waterbodies in the MEP that reflect the uses and values supported by the waterbody or that could be supported by the waterbody if water quality was enhanced. Classifications may include NS, AE, F, FS, CR, SG, A, WS and C. (Refer to Policy 15.1.2 for explanation of the classifications.) [RPS, R] 15.M.3 Investigations To undertake catchment-specific research to establish the capacity of fresh waterbodies to assimilate total contaminant loads from within each catchment. The objectives and management purpose established for the waterbody and the uses and values supported by the waterbody will both assist to determine the sensitivity of the waterbody to increases in contaminant loads. Given their association with rural land uses and Marlborough’s history of primary production, research into nutrients is a priority. It may also be necessary to prioritise heavy metals in urban catchments, given the prevalence of such metals in urban stormwater, as well as sediment loads in rivers flowing into sensitive receiving environments, such as the enclosed coastal waters of the Marlborough Sounds. [RPS, R] 15.M.4 Monitoring plan Building on the Council’s existing State of the Environment monitoring programme, develop a plan that sets out the methods for monitoring progress toward the achievement of Objectives 15.1a to 15.1e. Enhancing water quality [RPS, R] Policy 15.1.4 – Take action to enhance water quality in the following rivers to meet Objective 15.1b within ten years of the Marlborough Environment Plan becoming operative: (a) Mill Creek; and (b) Murphys Creek. The rivers identified in this policy do not currently meet Objective 15.1b. In other words, the water quality in these rivers does not meet an attribute state of A for nitrate under the NPSFM. Water 15 – 11