12. Urban Environments Volume One [D] Policy 12.8.2 – Enable non-industrial related activities to occur in industrial areas where the adverse effects on the environment do not detract from the character or quality of the industrial environment. Policy 12.8.2 provides for the establishment of non-industrial related activities that have the same or similar/compatible effects as light industrial activities and therefore do not detract from the existing character of the industrial environment within which they are to be located. While these activities are non-industrial in nature, they are nonetheless closely linked with the industrial environments. This policy provides a flexible approach that enables a wider range of industrial development. [D] Policy 12.8.3 – Where a non-business or non-industrial activity is proposed that is not otherwise provided for as a permitted activity, resource consent will be required and the following matters must be determined by decision makers in assessing the adverse effects on business or industrial activities before any assessment of other effects is undertaken: (a) the extent to which the activity is related to business or industrial activities occurring at the site; (b) the functional need for the activity to be located within a business or industrial zone and why it is not more appropriately located within another zone; (c) whether the proposed activity will result in a loss of land with business or industrial potential and the extent of this loss when considered in combination with other non-business or non-industrial based activities; and (d) the extent to which the proposed activity will have an adverse effect on the business or industrial environments. Where resource consent is required for business or industrial activities, the matters in this policy will help to determine whether the development is appropriate. In particular, matters concerning character and amenity values of the locality and the appropriateness of the activity within the location are important in having regard to Sections 7(c) and (f) of the RMA. It is also important to consider the functional need for the activity to be located effectively ‘out of zone’. [D] Policy 12.8.4 – Allow for high-density residential activity on industrially-zoned land north of Park Terrace, as identified in Appendix 20. The land north of Park Terrace has historically been zoned and used for industrial activities. The land adjoins the Taylor River and associated reserve, although there are poor physical and visual connections to either. Residential activity would be a more compatible use of the land in the long term to take advantage of the proximity to the Taylor River and integrate with the reserve land. Industrial zoning currently remains over the land to which this policy applies and industrial activity can and is expected to continue here. However, the policy creates an opportunity for an alternative land use to make better use of the strategic location. Any decision to do this would rest with the landowners. Due to the existing stop bank and the ongoing need for flood protection, residential activity would have to be multi-level (and most likely multi-unit) to achieve visual connection. This type of development would transform the area into a high quality residential environment with strong connections to the Taylor River. Any residential development would have to be carefully planned and developed to sufficiently mitigate reverse sensitivity effects given the existing industrial activities 12 – 22