4. Use of Natural and Physical Resources Volume One infrastructure for the transmission of the electricity into the National Grid or local electricity supply network); (h) strategic telecommunications facilities, as defined in Section 5 of the Telecommunications Act 2001, and strategic radiocommunication facilities, as defined in Section 2(1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1989; (i) Blenheim, Omaka and Koromiko Airports; (j) main trunk railway line; (k) district roading network; (l) Port of Picton and Havelock Harbour; (m) Picton, Waikawa and Havelock marinas; (n) RNZAF Base at Woodbourne; and (o) Council administered flood defences and the drainage network on the Lower Wairau Plain. The policy identifies infrastructure considered regionally significant due to its contribution to the social and economic wellbeing or health and safety of a large proportion of Marlborough’s population, or because of its strategic importance nationally. These benefits will be taken into account when developing district and regional rules and when considering resource consent applications, notices of requirement and plan change requests. This policy recognises the significance of the infrastructure existing or consented at the time that the MEP becomes operative. [RPS] Policy 4.2.2 – Protect regionally significant infrastructure from the adverse effects of other activities. The effective and efficient operation of regionally significant infrastructure can be protected by avoiding the establishment of incompatible activities in close proximity to the infrastructure in the first place. This policy recognises that there has already been significant investment in the infrastructure and that there are usually considerable difficulties relocating the infrastructure in the event of conflict with other land uses. In respect of the electricity transmission network, it is a requirement of the National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission (NPSET) for decision makers to manage activities to avoid reverse sensitivity effects on the network as much as possible. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [D] 4.M.6 Identification The electricity transmission network will be identified on the planning maps. This will allow other methods to be applied to manage the adverse effects of third parties on the transmission network. [D] 4.M.7 Zoning Recognition will be given to regionally significant infrastructure by providing, where appropriate, explicit zoning for the infrastructure. In conjunction with the application of district rules, zoning will assist to enable the infrastructure to operate efficiently and effectively. 4 – 6