8. Indigenous Biodiversity Volume One or activities within the coastal marine area and an assessment of the effects of the activity on indigenous biodiversity will be undertaken, including whether there are any significant biodiversity values. 8.M.2 District rules Resource consent will be required for land disturbance or vegetation clearance activities where certain species or habitats with indigenous biodiversity value are to be modified. 8.M.3 Marlborough’s Significant Natural Areas Programme The Council’s Marlborough Significant Natural Areas programme involves the collection of information about natural ecosystems on private land, with the aim of working with landowners to help protect significant sites. An ecological survey is undertaken with property reports prepared that summarise the ecological values found and suggest management options to ensure their long term survival. The Department of Conservation has also identified significant sites on private land through its Protected Natural Areas survey programme. There is no duplication in effort as the Council and Department programmes have surveyed different areas of Marlborough. Although a good proportion of private land in Marlborough has been surveyed, some landowners have not allowed the Council onto their property, therefore the programme of identifying sites is incomplete and ongoing. If a landowner changes their mind or a property changes ownership and a new landowner wishes to have their property surveyed, then the Council will undertake the survey work. 8.M.4 Identification of areas with significant biodiversity value Identification of the values of various waterbodies within Marlborough is included in Appendix 5. The natural and human use values include ecological, habitat, recreational and natural character values. The Council has also identified in the resource management plan significant wetlands and ecologically significant marine sites. 8.M.5 Monitoring The Council has gathered a significant amount of information about indigenous biodiversity in Marlborough through the Significant Natural Areas programme. The Council has established a monitoring programme that will be ongoing to determine if support programmes are helping to improve the overall condition of indigenous biodiversity in Marlborough. The Council will establish baseline monitoring programmes that provide a benchmark for determining the ongoing condition of habitats, ecosystems and areas that have significant indigenous biodiversity values. Where appropriate, the Council will also require resource consent holders to monitor the effects of their activity on marine biodiversity. The Council is aware that its knowledge on areas with biodiversity value is incomplete and is therefore committed to carrying out and supporting research, and undertaking state of the environment monitoring to gain a better understanding of Marlborough’s biodiversity. 8.M.6 Support The Council will support, including financially, the protection and/or restoration of areas with biodiversity value in the following ways: • through the established landowner assistance programme, which provides both practical and financial help with work such as pest and weed control and fencing; • by the waiving of resource consent application fees for activities that would assist in the protection of significant areas; 8 – 14