Volume One 17. Transportation [D] Policy 17.6.4 – Encourage and promote changes in movement patterns and travel habits that will lessen the pressures on the land transport network, reduce the extent of pollutants from motor vehicles and foster improved community health. The Council can assist in helping to reduce fossil fuel emissions from private vehicles by promoting walking and cycling and encouraging the use of public transport where it is available. It is important to encourage walking and cycling as a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative form of transport. Being a medium sized town with (mostly) flat topography, cycling is a particularly important form of transport in Blenheim. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [D] 17.M.6 District rules Rules will classify all of Marlborough’s roads into one of the following classifications: national routes; primary arterial routes; secondary arterial routes; collector routes; and local routes. Land use and subdivision activities may be subjected to rules based on these classifications. Rules will require every subdivision and development site to be connected to a public road by a suitable vehicle access way formed to a standard appropriate to the rural or urban circumstances (except for allotments that can only be accessed through the coastal marine area). Resource consent will be required for land use activities that generate high levels of traffic. Rules will control signage on road reserve and land adjacent to roads for traffic safety reasons. Rules will also set standards for other safety related effects on transport routes, such as building setbacks, glare, night lighting, smoke and dust discharges, liquid discharges and shading from vegetation. Provision will be required for non-vehicle land transport, including facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities. Rules will also establish requirements for parking, loading and access facilities for activities involving loading or delivery vehicles. The use of zoning provisions will define appropriate areas for different types of activities in relation to their proximity to major through routes. [R] 17.M.7 Regional rules Transportation activities will be subject to the regional rules controlling discharges to land, water and air for activities in the beds of rivers such as bridges and culverts and for minor takes of water, such as for dust suppression. [D] 17.M.8 Designations The MEP provides for all public roads and parking areas to be designated and will enable usual works and activities associated with roads within their boundaries. The MEP recognises designated railway lines and rail facilities. 17 – 15