12. Urban Environments Volume One Methods of implementation The methods listed below, which are to address Issue 12C are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [D] 12.M.7 Regional rules Standards have been established with respect to the discharge of stormwater to water. These include water quality standards to be met in the receiving waters beyond a zone of reasonable mixing. A standard also requires that the discharge does not cause flooding of property. [D] 12.M.8 District rules Rules are used to require the provision of essential infrastructure services in urban environments as part of the process of subdividing land and to also provide those services to the boundary of each of the properties being created. This provides for efficient provision of the essential infrastructure and enables subsequent owners of the subdivided property to make future connections at the time of development. [D] 12.M.9 Confirmation of services Rules of the MEP require the providers of water, sewerage, stormwater, roading, electricity and telecommunication services to confirm the proposed arrangements for providing the infrastructure to new urban subdivisions. This would result in servicing arrangements for any new subdivision directly negotiated between the person subdividing and the provider, including the Assets and Services Department of the Council. [D] 12.M.10 Code of practice The Council maintains a Code of Practice for Subdivision and Development. This is based heavily on NZS 4404:2010 but also contains additional Marlborough specific material. The Assets and Services Department of the Council and the roading authority utilise the Code to assess proposals for the provision of water, sewerage, stormwater management and roading infrastructure as part of the process of subdivision of land. This assessment forms part of the process of confirming adequate provision has been made for essential services as required by rules in the MEP. [D] 12.M.11 Development contributions policy The cost to the community of providing additional essential infrastructure services (with the exception of electricity and telecommunications) is addressed by the Council’s Developments Contribution Policy. Under the policy, development contributions are utilised to recover a fair, equitable and proportionate portion of the costs of infrastructure extensions and upgrades created as a result of the subdivision of land. The method of calculating development contributions is set out in the policy. [D] 12.M.12 Local Government Act 2002 Where there is a need to respond to adverse effects occurring in unserviced areas within Marlborough’s urban environments such as in relation to water availability, discharges of sewage, trade waste and stormwater or stormwater run-off, the Council will use the special consultative procedure of the Local Government Act 2002 to respond. There may be a need for subsequent change to the MEP and that will occur through the First Schedule process of the RMA. 12 – 28