Volume One 15. Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil) cause and effect of excessive faecal bacteria levels. The methods contained in this chapter may be appropriate to use. Where this is the case, priority for the implementation of the methods will be given to the identified rivers. The potential role of cumulative contaminant limits in enhancing water quality will be considered through the process of developing the plan. This policy gives effect to Policy A2 of the NPSFM. [RPS, R] Policy 15.1.7 – Take action to enhance water quality in the rivers identified in Tables 15.1 and 15.2 so that water quality is suitable for the purposes specified in Policy 15.1.1 within ten years of the Marlborough Environment Plan becoming operative. The rivers with water quality known not to meet the management purposes established by Policy 15.1.1 are identified in Table 15.1. Point source and non-point source discharges have degraded water quality to the extent that it is no longer sufficient to support natural and human use values. Another group of rivers, identified in Table 15.2, has fair water quality, but there is a risk that it may become insufficient to meet the management purposes established by Policy 15.1.1 if the water quality is further degraded. Water quality in these rivers can be enhanced, although it could take a considerable period of time before a significant improvement is achieved. A catchment-specific plan for enhancing water quality will be developed for each river included in Tables 15.1 and 15.2. The methods to be used to enhance water quality will be determined following an assessment of the cause and effect of degraded water quality and will be clearly identified within the plan. The methods contained in this chapter may be appropriate to use. Where this is the case, priority for the implementation of the methods will be given to those rivers identified in Tables 15.1 and 15.2. The quality of water in some rivers and coastal waters is unknown as they have not been monitored. If the results of future monitoring establish that there are other waterbodies with degraded water quality, then these can be added to Table 15.1 through a change to the MEP. This policy gives effect to Policy A2 of the NPSFM. Methods of implementation The methods listed below are to be implemented by the Council unless otherwise specified. [RPS, R] 15.M.5 Catchment Enhancement Plans Catchment Enhancement Plans will be developed as a priority for rivers that have degraded water quality, as identified in Policies 15.1.4 to 15.1.7. The methods to be used to enhance water quality will be determined following an assessment of the cause and effect of degraded water quality and will be clearly identified within the Plans. It may take time to establish the nature of the cause, which may delay the completion of the Plans. Other methods may be used in the interim to reduce the effects of non-point source discharges on water quality. Each Catchment Enhancement Plan will be developed in consultation with resource users in the catchment and other affected parties. Management of point source discharges to water [RPS, R, C] Policy 15.1.8 – Encourage the discharge of contaminants to land in preference to water. The combination of favourable soil properties in many parts of Marlborough, along with Marlborough’s dry climate, make the discharge of contaminants to land a viable option. 15 – 13