Volume One 15. Resource Quality (Water, Air, Soil) [R, C] 15.M.6 Regional rules Set appropriate water quality standards that reflect the physical, chemical and biological characteristics required to maintain the uses and values supported by the waterbody. Apply regional rules to allow point source discharges to land (see Chapter 16 - Waste for further details). Permitted activity rules will enable the discharge of contaminants or water to water where the discharge will not give rise to adverse effects on natural and human use values supported by the waterbody or coastal waters. Apply regional rules to regulate and in some instances prohibit point source discharges to water. This will allow the management framework established by the MEP to be applied. Prohibitions apply to the discharge of human sewage from ships in the Marlborough Sounds, the discharge of untreated human sewage and the discharge of collected animal effluent from dairy sheds. In the case of discharge of human sewage from ships, a prohibition will be placed on the activity six years from the date of notification of the MEP. It will not apply to the discharge of Grade A or Grade B treated sewage. Apply regional rules to control the use of land in close proximity to rivers for stock grazing. This includes rules to control intensively-farmed stock from entering onto or crossing the bed of a lake or flowing river. A prohibition will be placed on this activity as from 9 June 2022. Where resource consent is required for discharges to water, conditions may be imposed to ensure that the operator of any treatment system manages and maintains the system appropriately. Review discharge permit conditions to ensure water quality standards apply to all discharges and that compliance with these standards is monitored. [D] 15.M.8 Bylaw Use bylaws to control the disposal of trade and industrial waste into the Council’s reticulated sewerage system, especially the type and characteristics of the waste, to minimise the adverse effects of the subsequent discharge into water. [R, C, D] 15.M.9 Stormwater Management Area Plans The Council will investigate the nature, extent and sources of contamination of urban stormwater discharges and consider possible means of reducing contaminant levels. This will be achieved through the development and implementation of Stormwater Management Area Plans. These Plans will be developed progressively and implemented for each urban stormwater catchment. It is expected that Stormwater Management Area Plans will form the basis of discharge permit applications to continue discharging stormwater into water. [C] 15.M.10 Community facilities Facilitate the provision of further pump-out facilities for ships in the Marlborough Sounds in a manner that ensures that pump-out facilities are accessible for boaties throughout the Sounds. 15 – 21