9. Public Access and Open Space Volume One Anticipated environmental result Monitoring effectiveness 9.AER.1 The public has improved access to The areas identified as having a high priority for Marlborough’s lakes, rivers, high country enhanced public access have an improved level of and coastal environment. access as measured against a 2011 baseline. The number of esplanade reserves/strips available for access purposes is increased as measured against a baseline of esplanade reserves/strips available for access existing as in 2011. Ongoing development and improvement of walkways and/or cycleways through the actions of the Marlborough Walking and Cycling Strategy. Review of areas identified as having a priority focus for enhancing public access five years after the MEP becomes operative, including a review of the purpose of esplanade strip agreements in place in these high priority areas. 9.AER.2 A variety of pleasant and quality Survey the public to determine the level of satisfaction recreation and open space areas with the open space, recreation and reserve areas throughout Marlborough that are well provided or managed by the Council. used and provide a focus for a wide range of activities. Monitor complaints from land owners and the public about the management, use and creation of reserves and recreation areas. 9.AER.3 The public is aware of where and how Information is available on the Council’s website and they can access Marlborough’s lakes, reviewed annually, about: rivers and coastal environment and where Council managed open space (a) the location of esplanade reserves/strips taken on areas are. subdivision and development; (b) the location of and opportunities for use of reserves, parks and sports grounds owned or managed by the Council; and (c) the location of walkways and cycling routes. 9 – 18