Volume One 11. Natural Hazards It is desirable that the potential for an increase in the risk and consequences of natural hazard events is considered prior to the activity occurring. This would avoid the need for remedial work to rectify the effects of inappropriate activities as well as the potential for significant adverse effects should a hazard event occur prior to the Council becoming aware of the activity or remedial work being carried out. This objective does not mean that the activities listed in the policies cannot occur, but it may mean that they have to be undertaken in a manner that sufficiently mitigates the potential for adverse effects. [D] Policy 11.2.1 – Designate Marlborough District Council administered floodways. Land within Council administered floodways will be designated. This means that the floodways will be included, by way of a schedule and mapping, within the MEP. The land designated will be a combination of Council and privately owned land. The effect is that any person wanting to undertake work in a floodway (that may adversely affect the floodway) will require the written permission of the Council. This will allow the Council, as the requiring authority, to assess the proposal and its potential adverse effects on the floodway prior to the activity commencing. [D] Policy 11.2.2 – Control land uses on or in close proximity to existing Marlborough District Council administered flood defences and within floodways to ensure that they do not compromise the effectiveness of any defence or the efficiency of any floodway. Land use activities undertaken on or in close proximity to existing flood defences and within floodways have the very real potential to compromise the effectiveness of the defence or the efficiency of the floodway. Of particular concern are activities that could affect the integrity of the flood defence (especially excavation on or close to stopbanks) and activities that physically obstruct flows within the floodway (e.g. planting of unsuitable vegetation, construction of structures and deposition of material). Activities that might impede access to the flood defence or floodway for maintenance purposes are also of concern. Given the reliance of some communities on the performance of the flood defences and/or floodway, it is important that consideration is given to the potential for these adverse effects to occur and therefore the appropriateness of undertaking the activity. The most effective way to do this is to require resource consent to undertake the activities, as this will allow a thorough assessment of the proposal and its potential adverse effects prior to the activity occurring. [R, D] Policy 11.2.3 – Where appropriate, ensure that privately initiated and constructed flood defences integrate with Marlborough District Council administered flood defences. In some situations, individuals may choose to privately construct flood defences to protect their own property. If these defences are not constructed to integrate with the protection already provided by existing Council administered flood defences in the vicinity, then the new flood defence may be counter-productive. Regard can be had to the need for integration of flood defences when considering resource consent applications to construct the new defence. [D] Policy 11.2.4 – Where appropriate, require the creation of esplanade reserves and esplanade strips (as part of the subdivision consent process) to enable the mitigation of flooding hazards and to provide access for maintenance purposes. Priority rivers for setting aside esplanade reserves and esplanade strips for this purpose are: (a) rivers on the Wairau River Floodplain; and (b) rivers flowing through or in the vicinity of residential development in the Marlborough Sounds. Maintenance of floodways and river channels can help to mitigate and manage flood hazards. For some rivers, it is desirable for erosion resistant vegetation to be planted and maintained on the 11 – 11