5. Allocation of Public Resources Volume One structure and alter the natural character of the river (or other downstream waterbodies) as a result of flow modification. The nature and significance of the adverse effects created by the dam structure will vary depending on the proposed structure, and the nature of the river and the natural and human use values it supports. This policy allows these proposal and site specific factors to be taken into account. This policy can also be applied to applications for resource consent to continue damming water (i.e. existing dams). Given the existing dam structure, there may be limits to the extent to which the matters in (a) to (c) can be provided for. For this reason, the policy direction is to have regard to the matters, rather than provide for them. However, opportunities to remedy or mitigate the existing adverse effects may exist and can be addressed via conditions imposed on the grant of the resource consent. [R] Policy 5.2.22 – In the determination of any resource consent application, have regard to the following effects of damming of water: (a) the retention of sediment flows and any consequent adverse effect upstream or downstream of the dam structure; (b) changes in river bed levels and the effects of those changes; (c) any downstream effects of a breach in the dam wall; (d) interception of groundwater or groundwater recharge; and (e) interception of surface water runoff. In addition to the matters identified in Policy 5.2.21, there are a range of other potential adverse effects of damming water in the bed of a river or on land. These effects are identified in (a) to (e) of this policy. Regard will be had to these effects in determining a resource consent application to dam water. Water shortage direction [R] Policy 5.2.23 – Where necessary, utilise water shortage directions to manage the adverse effects of serious temporary shortages of water on natural and human use values supported by the waterbody. Section 329 of the RMA allows the Council to issue a notice to apportion, restrict or suspend the taking, use, damming or diversion of water to address a serious temporary shortage of water. The policy identifies that in addition to the management applied through other policies in this chapter, the Council will also consider the option of using a water shortage direction. The circumstances of the shortage will have to be sufficient to justify the additional apportionment, restriction or suspension over and above that already applied in the rules of the MEP. Other [R] Policy 5.2.24 – Impose conditions on water permits to take water requiring users to reduce and cease the authorised take whe specified fl ws and/orlevlsarreache d. n o e e Conditions will be imposed on the grant of new resource consents (whether to continue taking water or to take water for the first time) requiring abstraction to cease when limits set in the MEP are reached. The environmental flows and limits are established by rules in the MEP in accordance with Policies 5.2.4, 5.2.7 and 5.2.11. [R] Policy 5.2.25 – Where necessary, review the conditions of existing water permits authorising the taking of water within 24 months of the Marlborough Environment Plan (or 5 – 10